About Carse Antiques

About Carse Antiques

Inchmartine Restorations which was my original company was formed in 1990 where I mainly restored antiques. When after about two years this business started to become established I started to sell antiques and also a few good quality usable woodworking tools. The selling of tools in the shop really took off so in 1995 I started a seperate business for tools which is Inchmartine Tool Bazaar. I have a completely seperate website for the tools which is http://www.toolbazaar.co.uk

Inchmartine Restorations changed trading name to Carse Antiques & Restorations in 2010 and at the same time moved business premises to The Rait Antique Centre, Scotlands longest established antiques centre in the heart of Perthshire. 

